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BBM for Android and iOS accused wasteful of data, this Blackberry explanation

post on Thursday, November 7, 2013 | 5:52 AM

BBM- recently , disconcerting news came that hit BlackBerry Messenger ( BBM ) cross- platform . BlackBerry's instant messaging service is accused of draining a lot of user data quota . So what was said by BlackBerry ? BBM for Android and iOS accused Boros data , this Blackberry explanation .

Given a question related to the issue , Ardo Fadhol as Senior Country Product Manager BlackBerry , revealed , in fact there is no difference in data requirements between signifikant enough BBM used in the BlackBerry handset , iPhone or Android .

According to him , it's a lot of data related allegations over to the factor of user behaviors. As you know, when BBM use traditional BlackBerry phones , data packets usually have unlimited registered users . So it is not restricted to the data quota and BBM can surf unlimited access .

Whereas when applied BBM on iPhone and Android , the data packets are used differently from the usually registered when using BlackBerry phones .

Wherein when the iPhone and Android using the data packets are usually limited by quota . Actually there gimmick ' unlimited ' quota on the package , but the data setelahpenggunaan penetrate certain quota then the speed will be very slow .

In fact, as is well known is fairly active BBM users using BBM . Ranging from status updates , profile picture , , in which the activity of any nature were sent to other BBM users .

Ardo explained " It's a kind of culture shock alone , most users happy BBM on the BlackBerry device to toggle PP ( profile picture ) and update their status many times a day . Habit is presumably carried away when using BBM in IOS and Android , "

" The surge was due to a data user usually use BBM on a BlackBerry device without the need to think about the data that he uses a quota , while the IOS and Android phone users typically use more data so that quota to take effect " .


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